
Conditions for small and medium-sized companies

This agreement stipulates the possibility to derogate from the general EULA licensing terms for Small companies and for medium-sized companies

Small companies

Derogations to the EULA are possible for small companies. In principle, the small company licensing model can be applied to the licensing of D-E-A-L products and services for companies that have one (1) to, and including, five (5) employees. D-E-A-L reserves the right to alter these conditions by altering the provisions of Annex II.

Small company derogation to the EULA

The licensing of D-E-A-L products, services, fonts, or font software by a small company is subject to more favorable conditions. The price reduction for small companies is set out in Annex II. Licensing products, services, fonts, or font software from D-E-A-L under the special licensing conditions for small companies is available for a fixed maximum amount of devices or workstations on which you can run or install the products, services, fonts, or font software. In principle, this maximum amount of devices or workstations is set at the number of employees of your business + 1. As set out in Art. 4 of the EULA, LAN and/or server installation counts as one such device or workstation.

Small company growth

When a company, making use of a small company license of any of the products, services fonts, or font software provided by D-E-A-L, surpasses the eligibility criteria set out in art. 1 of these licensing conditions, D-E-A-L has the right to disapply the small company licensing model derogations. In such a case, the conditions of the general EULA, and/or other derogation models apply (e.g. the medium-sized company licensing model). The moment at which D-E-A-L can reassess the eligibility for the small company licensing model, as well as its duration and its pricing conditions, are set out in Annex II.

Medium-sized companies

Derogations to the EULA are possible for medium-sized companies. The licensing of D-E-A-L products, services, fonts, or font software by a medium-sized company is subject to more favorable conditions. In principle, the medium-sized company licensing model can be applied to the licensing of D-E-A-L products and services, for companies that have six (6) to, and including, ten (10) employees. D-E-A-L reserves the right to alter these conditions as set out in Annex II, by altering its provisions.

Medium-sized companies derogation to the EULA

The price reduction for small companies is set out in Annex II. Licensing products, services, fonts, or font software from D-E-A-L under the special licensing conditions for medium companies are available for a fixed maximum amount of devices or workstations on which you can run or install the products, services, fonts, or font software. In principle, this maximum amount of devices or workstations is set at the number of employees of your business + 1. As set out in Art. 4 of the EULA, LAN and/or server installation counts as one device or workstation. If you wish to run or install the products, services, fonts, or font software on a number of devices or workstations that surpasses the limit of the maximum amount of employees set for a medium-sized company as set out in Annex II, please contact us.


D-E-A-L reserves the right to request all relevant information from natural persons or companies licensing its products, services, fonts, or font software that is necessary to ensure fair use of the derogations granted in this and other agreements between D-E-A-L and its parties. Illustration: D-E-A-L or its mandated agents can request information about the number of employees currently working for a licensing party or its contracted parties in so far as is relevant pursuant to the conditions of the agreements.